Tag Archives: china


by Lori Ann

skies at dawn

6am. The air seems crisper, the sky meditative. Something about the still quiet seems to enter my body with each breath, helping me think clearer. No distractions, nowhere to go. Just my daughter and I, enjoying a new day together. Tickling, giggling, playing peek-a-boo. Quietly, so as not to wake Baba. Which makes it all the more fun, like a secret between just the two of us.

Tigger’s bedtime has been 7pm since she was 5 days older. As a newborn, she slept (barely interrupted by nursings) until 9am. As she got older, morning wake-up backed up to 8am, 7am. Now 6am.

And I couldn’t be happier.

What’s your morning routine? Is it dreaded or enjoyed?


Filed under baby, China, Family, Life, Rewards

Thanksgiving in China

by Lori Ann


Saruskabeth’s Thanksgiving post inspired me to share a little from our own week:

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Filed under China, Family, traditions

RAK or Miracle?

by LoriAnn


The first time Baba and I came to China, we decided to visit a tourist town near where we live now. Our Chinese skills weren’t great at the time, so arriving in night’s darkness and pouring down rain wasn’t exactly what we’d had in mind. I saw a taxi stand so we went over to it, and a car (not a taxi) pulled up with a few young men in it. The driver surprised us by asking in English, “Where are you going?”

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Filed under China, Life

Travel the Path

Took a trip to the Stone Forest (石林) again! This time, I figured I’ve save the stone postings, and share some other amusements instead.

A path through the forest.

I’d like to make a banner image from it – it seems relevant as my path, adventure, trail, journey, pilgrimage, or whatever as I travel and live. But it’s pretty much sideways. Any ideas? You can try it out by taking the image from flickr (it’s Creative Commons licensed, you just have to attribute it to me and this blog) and comment with a link to the result. Actually, I’d love to do a rotating banner, but apparently that’s not possible without knowledge of CSS?

These fish in one of the ponds get so excited about the feed from visitors, they jump out of the water to get it! You’d think they don’t get fed 30 times a day… (which, at 2元 a bag, of course they do!) Getting splashed is half the fun.

And, last but not least, a great sign. Because who can resist, when you’re being called an angel and not merely a traveler?

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Filed under BambooBlog, China, Family, outdoors, travel

LaJiao 辣椒

At a picnic, my friend was talking about culture in China versus America. I agreed with several things she said, but then was surprised, amused, and flattered by what came next! A rough translation:

“We like you, because you like spicy chili peppers. So it seems like you’re like us, like you’re Chinese.”

Oh! Well, thank you.

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Filed under BambooBlog, culture, Uncategorized